Pascal Van Laere

Performance trainer

All training materials are created and delivered by an experienced trainer who previously lead Google's learning & development in Northern Europe and is a High Flow coach, trained at the Flow Research Collective.

With over 25 years of experience working for leading media and tech companies, you'll be inspired by a wealth of best practices, from the worlds most successful companies.

Pascal's flow & feedback training was fantastic! It empowered our teams to give and receive constructive feedback effectively. The Ping-Pong model is really magical! We are clearly seeing the positive impact on our teams!
— Thierry Geerts, CEO Google Belgium
De Keynote van Pascal gaf ons super handige tips & tricks die ons direct helpen om beter te focussen en meer flow te ervaren!
— Petra Vandendriessche, HR Manager Nationale Loterij
Pascal's Go FLOW training really resonated with our team. They loved the content, delivery, and actionable takeaways. We're looking forward to the next session!
— Sameer Rane, Sales and Strategy Lead @ Indeed EMEA/APAC
The Online Academy provided clear, actionable tools and concepts that positively impacted my work and personal life. I feel more focused and energized!. Highly recommended!
— Tuva Brännström, Young Professional, - Strategic Project Planner @ Amazon
La formation Go FLOW de Pascal Ă©tait très apprĂ©ciĂ©e. Exercices concrets et applicables pour une amĂ©lioration immĂ©diate. PĂ©dagogie claire et interactive. On recommande vivement cette formation !
— Olivier Blavier, Conseiller en formation Randstad Group